Monday 19 October 2015

Weekend Learning...:)

Weekend Learning : Short Story :

A dialogue between God and a Man who has just died(passed away).

A Man died. When he realized it, he saw God coming closer with a Suitcase in his hand. This is the dialogue between both of them :-

God : Alright Son, It’s Time to go.             
Man : So Soon, I had lot of plans
God : So sorry Son, but it’s time now.
Man : What do you have in that suitcase?
God : Your belongings
Man : My belongings? You mean, my clothes, my money, etc
God : Those things were never yours, they belong to the Earth.
Man : Is it my memories?
God : No. They belong to Time.
Man : Is it my Talent?
God : No. They belong to Circumstances
Man : Is it my family & friends?
God : No Son. They belong on the Path you travelled.
Man : Is it my wife and kids?
God : No. They belong to your heart
Man : Then surely it must be my body, right?
God : No No Son. It belong to Dust
Man : Than surely it must be my soul.
God : No my child. Soul belongs to me.

Man was full of tears in his eyes, took the suitcase from God and opened it. IT WAS EMPTY….Heartbroken & with tears down his cheeks, he asked to God :
Man : I never owned anything?
God : That’s right. You never owned anything
Man : Than what was mine?
God : YOUR MOMENTS. Every moment you lived was yours.

Life is JUST A MOMENT we live in. Nothing else. You cannot take anything with you. Whatever you do, earn, spend,  good things you did, bad things you did, etc, all shall be left on earth for your believers to use and live their moments. Make the most of it. Surely the more you live this moments for the others, the others shall cherish you and remember you even after you have lived your moments.

All the best…Always remember : Life is JUST A MOMENT and nothing more.

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