Wednesday 20 December 2017

History of Community Medicine


John Snow

  • Father of  Modern Epidemiology
  • Cholera : Mode Of Transmission
  • “Shoe leather epidemiology” : house to house survey
  • Spot map study
  • Discovery was a natural experiment
Edward Jenner
  • Small Pox vaccine (1st vaccine)
  • Term vaccination
  • Term vaccine: Louis Pasteur
Albert Bruce Sabin
  • OPV
  • JE vaccine
Robert Koch

  • Koch’s postulates
  • TB bacillus
  • Detail in Microbiology

  • Discovery of the Mycobacterium leprae
  • First identification of bacteria as the causative agent of a human disease
James Lind

  • Scurvy Trial (Citrus fruits prevent scurvy)
  • 1st ever clinical trial

Ronald Ross

  • Ronald Ross- Life cycle of plasmodium  within anopheles
  • Noble Prize
Charles Alphonso Laveran

Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis

  • Puerperial Sepsis
  • Hand Washing
Joseph William Bhore: Bhore Committee 

Edwin Chadwick
  • Enactment of public health act, 1848 in London
  • 1st ever act to deal with sanitation

Chinese Medicine
  • Pioneer of immunization
  • Bare foot doctors
  • Acupuncture
  • 1st organized system of medicine
Some Important Theories
Important Fathers in Medical History

First countries

Location of important Institutes

Ministries related to public health

Ministries Related to Public Health

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